"Real" Housewives of Photoshop
I don't watch "Real Housewives of New Jersey". In fact, I don't watch any of the "real" housewives shows, preferring to bask in the glow of actual housewives at the local Walmart. That's as real as it gets. You haven't lived until you've seen two older broads fight over a zhu zhu pet. But I digress...
This lady, who is on that show, and who shall remain nameless (because I don't have the energy to go look it up) recently unveiled her nude PETA ad. OK... Look at her, then look at the ad. Do it again.The woman in the PETA ad looks like Tiffani Amber Thiessen's older (and what we in politically correct circles like to call 'mentally challenged') sister. The woman standing next to the PETA ad looks like a reanimated corpse.
You do the math.
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