26 June, 2006

American Pie's Lyonne has an Angry Daddy

Aaron Braunstein, a radio personality and father of American Pie star Natasha Lyonne is angrily threatening would-be gossip hounds if they write about his daughter's purported sighting in NYC.

According to Gawker.com, Natasha was seen looking ill and generally decrepit in Manhattan. The site tagged her as looking, "like she could die at any minute" and "covered in some sort of bad, red rash".

Things haven't been going so well for the actress lately, as she has recently checked into rehab, had a DUI, and a slew of bad press.

Braunstein decided that if he wanted to try to save Nattie's career, the best bet would be to sue Internet authors in an "ugly, expensive manner". Nothing says 'My daughter escaped from the set of the one movie that would have her, hopped the red-eye to NYC, and sought out her dealer for a night of mind-blowing intoxication' like threats of legal action.


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