01 June, 2006

Attraction to Type.

No, this is not going to be a blog entry about some publisher with a creepy erotic fixation on his word processor. I intend to blather about attraction.

What fuels human attraction?
On her Playmate data sheet, Miss October states that she is turned on by men with a sense of humor and a love for puppies. Check, and check. Well hell! I'm in, right?

I am not a big believer in the theory that love is blind. I think love is slightly nearsighted with a mild astigmatism. My humble theory is that love is equal parts of adoration, trust, and lust. I can get at least 66.66 (with a bar over it... and perhaps behind it...) of the way with most people. For lust to exist there often needs to be physical attraction. Miss October is probably not going to fall in love with a 5 foot 3, 400 pound plumber from Des Moines, even though he's as funny as Jon Stewart and volunteers at the SPCA.

Do people have "types" that they are specifically attracted to?
I have a type. I am attracted to brunettes (light to dark) who are generally from 5'2" to 5'8" in stature, and have petite body types. I also crave wit. But generally, the only type to "turn my head" with no other interaction is of the previous description. Based on my experience, I would say "yes", people have types.

Does attraction to a "type" prevent attraction to someone who is not of that "type"?
Does that mean that I rule out anyone that doesn't fit the mold? No.
I've been in love with redheads, blondes, tall people, short people... Well, you get the point.

I wonder if the psychology behind an attraction to "type" means that people that are in relationships with someone who isn't of their type are acting against their nature.

I love Arial, and Verdana... but that New Roman ho has got to go.


Unknown said...

Thought I'd stop by. Hmmmm a brunette guy, eh?

Unknown said...

BTW I agree 100% on your view of attraction. It's like I tend to go for tall, somewhat big (not overly muscular or obese) dark haired guys but have gone for other guys as well. But it's ok to have a type. We all do.I find attraction in many forms. But I have to admit I'd rather have a guy I find physically attractive who is also funny and smart than a hot dullard who is an asshole

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

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