31 July, 2006

Jackhammered is out... Lesbian A*s Licking, VERY IN.

So every year, some lucky (very polite, certainly) Canadian guy gets to determine just what "obscene" material is allowed into the country.

This year's list is published on TheSmokingGun. For some reason, Extreme Torture 31: Beautiful Girls in Serious Pain is allowed in, whilst Extreme Torture 36: Beautiful Girls in Serious Pain is not permitted in the country. Apparently somewhere between 31 and 36, they crossed the line. I think it was probably when the girl in nip clamps ate her french fries without gravy that did it.

But aside from frivolity, how chapped is that lucky canuck's girlfriend Rosey Palm? His job is watching porn. Though it doesn't beat the other guy, who's job is stuffing the national beaver.

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