21 December, 2009

So yeah, about Brittany Murphy

There is a mixed bag of reaction on the Al Gore Intrawebs about the untimely passing of actress and oft-anorexic hottie Brittany Murphy.

I have previously copped to loving some lame ass movies, and I will admit that Ms. Murphy has made my DVD shelf on more than one occasion. So, while I don't think you could call me a fan, I definitely was well acquainted with her body of work.

Half of me is not surprised. There were a lot of rumors that she was a crazy drug user, and many people have reported erratic behavior recently. You don't have to be Carl Gauss to put that 2 + 2 together.

Of course, you can't rule out homicide. I think the LAPD should interview Tiger Woods. Just in case, y'know? This is exactly what he needed.

When young people die, it's a horrible depressing thing, and it shouldn't have been her time. She had a lot more crappy romantic comedies and being almost naked to do, and the world would have paid great attention to both.

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