13 July, 2006

Carrot Top is No Ron Jeremy

According to Lindsay Lohan, redheads are hot in the sack. Well not actually according to her... she's paraphrasing a Playboy book. So, according to Ho-han's interpretation of Playboy in addition to her own, uh, body of work... redheads are firecrackers in the bedroom.

The only reason that I feel it necessary to mention this is that it is an obvious cry for help. Starlets like Eva Longoria, who talk explicitly about their bedroom habits in the media are obviously lacking in something. It's either protein, attention or class. Perhaps a combination of the three. (Though I think we all know Linds gets enough protein in her diet.)

As for redheads being more sexual? My research is mixed. I know some redheads who are total whores. Others are repressed mutants.

As for Miss Lohan's classification, that's up to you. I'll give you a hint though... is sounds like 'door'.


Anonymous said...

Is it Thor?

CN said...

Close but no cigar, Mr. President.

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