18 July, 2006

Electra and Navarro No More

Sexy chick Carmen Electra and hairy chick Dave Navarro have called it quits, according to TMZ.com. The singing and strutting duo were married in 2003, quite uncommercially on MTV via their not so hit show Til Death Do Us Part: Carmen + Dave.

Now that Carmen Electra is back on the market, freaks everywhere are polishing their crazy shoes and getting ready for the hottest date of their lives. Carmen has been through Dennis Rodman, and now Dave Navarro... so if you're a bisexual dude with a penchant for some very wierd shit, just head to LA, and you might have a shot at infamy.

Ms. Electra won't be available on the dating scene for at least a couple of months. She and Paris Hilton will be competing in "Crazy Extreme Petri-Dish Bonanza" on Japanese television. The competition will pair the girls with a scientist and a GYN, whichever team can come up with the most unique combination of skank wins a Dyson vacuum.

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