26 July, 2006

You Ate the Food, You Drank the Wine...

So normally I reserve this little corner of the web for some high level discourse about what's truly important in the world. Topics such as stupid celebrities and Paris Hilton's vagina. Today, I take you to trendy NYC to share the story of a dating site hookup that went wrong.

Darren Sherman thought he had struck goldberg when he met Joanne on JDate, a dating website for Jewish singles. The pair went on a date to China Grill, a great restaurant in Manhattan. Apparently that was the only great part of the night.

When Joanne politely declined a second date, the Shermanator started a campaign that would make most credit bureaus blush. He called and left several voicemails at Joannes home and office, several emails, and even called China Grill to try to get them to collect the outrageous debt. Her half of dinner.

Some of my favorite quotes are:

"You ate the food, you drank the wine, Pay your bill."

Do the right thing Joanne. "

"Sorry things didn't work out. I guess you changed your
mind. Here is my address for the $50 bucks:"

At the following link, you can read (and hear the voicemails) from the whole "saga". It's very amusing to observe firsthand something spinning so far out of control just because someone is petty and a little bit stupid.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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