25 July, 2006

Hudson Sees a Lot of C*ck

Kate Hudson is sick of all of the penises that she has to deal with in her house. According to Kate, "There are two musician friends, English friends of ours, and I have seen their penises one too many times and you're just going, 'Why is it necessary for you to be walking around my house naked?' or 'Why do you think it's funny to flash me your penis?' But they do and it makes them who they are and I love them for it."

So, Kate "loves" them for the fact that they enjoy showing her their schlongs. Something tells me that if I walk up to Kate Hudson and whip out my dong I'd probably end up with an arrest and a restraining order.

But it makes me who I am, and she loves me for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

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