08 August, 2006

NYC Star Map... Muhahahaha.

Because I am a nosy bastard... I have to use the Al Gore Internets to cull as much useless information as possible about celebrities that interest me.

NY Magazine has been using real estate information, public records, and several little birdeys to locate hundreds of NYC's most elusive celebrity denizens.

Apparently this star map is somewhat controversial, because of the current stalker/paparazzi happy environment. That is a load of horseshit, because any idiot with Google can find this same crap out if they have the inclination.

It is safe to say that the lower west side, in a corner of the village near the piers, is perhaps one of the hottest blocks known to man. Now it's known to ALL men.

(Cue maniacal laughter.)

You can read the NY Magazine article and get the map: here.

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