22 August, 2006

'Prison Break' Season Two

Prison Break had its second season premiere last night on FOX. I was hooked on this show last season. It had tension, violence, and just enough humor to keep me onboard. (Not to mention an actor or two that have graced the stage of the theatre that I work at.)

There was certainly alot going on. About halfway through the episode, I was pissed off. I could easily predict every move that was coming. (Especially the red herring storage facility.)

They were redeemed by a shocking scene in which one of the main characters was undeniably killed off. I could sort of see it coming, but they way it happened was quite a suprise.

My only hope is that there is more of the latter this season. I hate predictable TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who's worked at geva??

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