15 August, 2006

Some Day My Prince Will Come...

Best. Picture. Ever.

The young British princes Harry and William have spent the majority of their lives behind tall walls and guards with funny hats. So it makes sense that when they get out to party, they're gonna live it up.

Everyone in this picture is so delightfully drunk, it almost makes you yearn for the day when you got hammered and made bad decisions like manhandling some waitresses boob for the camera. I call it Tuesday.

To me one of the funniest parts (for there are many) of this picture is that the chick who is having her tit groped looks alot like Prince William in drag. Just look behind her. Prince Fruity Cosmoboy is making the exact same face is Miss Implant McGropedAlot.

If I were the Prince of England, there is no way I would have my hand on top of that woman's breasts. I would have my junk between them.

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