13 September, 2006

Anna Nicole's Son.

I would be a really heartless bastard if I made fun of the death of a pseudo-celebrity. So even though I am a heartless bastard, I will still pass on this one because there is just so much damn intrigue.

If you don't know about this, get back under your rock. But you can think about this on your way there. Anna Nicole Smith gave birth about a week ago in Nassau, Bahamas. Three days later, her 20 year old son was found dead in her hospital room. The first thing that comes to mind is drug overdose, some toxic substance, or murdering candy stripers.

TMZ.com is saying that there is a clue to his death in the flight to the Bahamas, and the crew is being interviewed. Unless one of them put strichtnine in the guacamole, it looks like the signs might be pointing towards alcohol poisoning of some kind. Is there such a thing? How many tiny bottles of Jack Daniels does it take to kill a guy? I once had about 8 of them on a flight from Heathrow to JFK, but all I got was a headache.

There's a coroner's inquest scheduled in October. I'm sure there will be more information coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that that he was the baby's daddy and she killed him when he was gonna go public!

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