19 September, 2006

Liz Is On the Edge

The cauldron over at 'The View' is about to boil over.

The concept is simple. Throw 4-5 of television's biggest mouthed, overly opinionated women into a fishbowl and shake. Earlier this year, Star Jones-a-the-Hut was canned in a rather loud PR move to soften the image of the show and Meri Viera moved over to the Today Show. This left producers with a very large void to fill.

What woman fits the above criteria and is large enough to fill the spots at the table formerly occupied by Star Jones AND Merideth? None other than Rosie O'Donnell. The former queen of nice with the blue state snarl has been on the show for a couple of weeks now.

Pretty pixie Elisabeth Hasselbeck (formerly of 'Survivor') has been the sole voice of the heartland on this decidedly metro show for years now. Many people have a problem with Hasselbeck, because she is employed solely to provide an opposing viewpoint to the other beasts at the table who are all quite liberal in their politics. I don't ALWAYS agree with her, but I have to admire her for being the sole voice of opposition against those foaming monstrosities. Showdown Rosie/Liz is in full swing, and apparently Liz is feeing the emotional weight of the conflict. According to 'biz gossip, 'liz has been weeping frequently when the cameras stop rolling.

From her "just to be different" coffee mug, to her griping about not being the "boss", Rosie is proving over and over that she has to stand out. Even though she had the space of two women to fill, she still doesn't fit in.

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