20 October, 2006

Arrested Development on Ebay.

Arrested Development may just be the best show ever. It's terribly funny and had a quirky pace that resonated with me as well as everyone else with even a basic sense of humor. For some reason, the bastards at Fox felt that the show should be cancelled. Now, you too can own a piece of TV history.

For sale on EBay right now is Gob's Segway Scooter, the knit cap tha Charlize Theron wore in season three, among other things. So for those of you who are hoping to clone Charlize, or even just use the hat as a character in your own version of Happy Wang's Sock Puppet Theatre, you can. For a few hundred dollars.

Other items available include autographed scripts and costume pieces. It's a shame that Arrested Development had to come to EBay auctions, but at least there are ravenous fans out there like me who would love a piece of that crap.

The Auctions if you're interested. You can certainly buy me anything you want.

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