14 October, 2006

Pirates at Disney...

I'm going to depart from the norm for just a minute.

You see, I'm in Orlando right now and I got a chance to ride the new "revamped" Pirates of the Caribbean ride. With much hullabaloo and pizzaz, Disney announced that the ride had been retrofitted to correspond to Pirates 2. I was pretty excited because I have a nostalgia for the old ride, and I love the movies.

Arrgh, I don't want to burst ye olde bubble, but there isn't much change here. There's a pretty cool effect when you round the first curve with some falling dry ice that looks a lot like a waterfall with Davy Jones' video being projected on it. Just when you think you're going to get wet, you pass right through a talking Davy. Other than that, there are 3 installations of a new Johnny Depp, uh... Jack Sparrow animatronic, which is so much more realistic than the other robots that it almost stands out.

It's still the same old ride though. Johnny head creaks out of a barrel, and later sings with a parrot... But other than that not much else has changed.

Boo to that, I say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me take the opportunity to say we missed almost a week of Angry Pirate entries and really did not know what to read. That said, it is amazing how they can hype up a few tweaks of an old ride just to draw the crowds. Truth be told if I were in Disney though, I would run right for it and probably still be glad to be part of the tourist trap known as Pirates. Arggghhhh. - The Critics Lounge

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