14 November, 2006

A Crowd of Naked People...

On Wednesday, lucky viewers of the Tyra Banks Show will be treated to an early April Fool's gift. (If you're into it, and you're looking for early shopping ideas for April Fool's gifts, I'm a big fan of giving STDs or drug paraphanalia and a prank call to the cops.) Anyway, back to the less violent African American panty model...

Members of Tyra's studio audience were forced to endure the show in their underwear. Curiously enough, the majority of them (if not all) are reportedly hot. The topic of the show? What "normal" people are wearing under their clothes. For a moment, let's imagine that the audience isn't packed with compensated actors and models who are agreeable to sitting in a cold TV studio in their drawers...

Normal people's underwear is a frightening thing.

Look around the average city bus, and tell me that you want to see any of them in their tighty-whiteys. OK, there's that one girl, but she won't even look your way since you gave her that Halloween card with a lock of your hair inside of it.

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