06 June, 2006

Alba is Freaky In the Bedroom

Muy caliente hollywood sweetie Jessica Alba admits she's a freak in the bedroom. A clean freak. According to the starlet, she has OCD when it comes to germs and hotel beds. Alba travels with a personal sized Febreze disinfectant spray, and douses her bed upon arrival in every new pad.

I love the smell of Febreze, but there's one major problem with using it on sheets. It makes them wet if you spray it on too heavily. There's something about a Jessica Alba lying under a clingy slightly damp sheet makes my head spin. It's either that or the chemicals from the stuff that are slowly burning through my remaining brain cells.

There's no way Febreze can't do away with the usual melange of baby batter, skin cells and pubes resident on the average hotel bedspread. If she knew about that, there's a possiblity that she would have a nervous breakdown and go all Marlon Brando on us. An Alba in seclusion is a useless Alba, so lets keep that our little secret shall we?

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