07 July, 2006

Jessica and Zach Sittin' in a Tree...

OK, I've always been on the fence about Jessica Simpson. Sometimes she looks incredibly hot, then I'll be smacked in the face with a shot where I think it's possible that she has a penis tucked away in there somewhere. I'm not really into manufactured blondes, of ANY kind.

So, my feelings of astonishment and *gasp*, petty jealousy when I heard that she's letting Scrubs star Zach Braff give her court the full press, may be unfounded. Still, I'm confused by my reaction.

I even like Braff. Scrubs is perhaps my favorite sitcom today. So this unnatural coupling should give me solace. A geeky dude with a sense of humor can bag Jessica Simpson. Huzzah! I think.

Just how many pencils is she smuggling in that picture, anyway.


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