20 July, 2006

Oh Danny Boy, The Pipe, The Pipe is Calling...

The acting gene doesn't run deep in the Baldwin family. Some, including myself, would say that it doesn't run at all... Rather, it drunkenly staggers through the Baldwin family.

For those of you who love the campy John Carpenter's Vampires as much as I do, you'll know that the only thing that detracts from it's fabulous James Woods-iness is none other than Daniel Baldwin. He stumbles through the movie like an even more bloated version of his more famous brother. As you can tell from their suspicious absence from the captions, Danny boy seems to think he can cover up his horrendous lack of acting chops by inserting "fuck" or "fucked" between every other word. All I can say is, "gravitas", Dan, "gravi-fucking-tas".

Seems like Danny, who has had previous brush-ins with the law (including cocaine possession) got really drunk last night and rented a car. Mind you, his license is still suspended from some of his last outings. Cops say he was driving thorough LA weaving at speeds exceeding 80 m.p.h. When he finally stopped, it was because he ran a red light and slammed into two cars. Who knows what his status is, but I personally think that he might be "fucked".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

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