05 July, 2006

"Play Date" or Strategy for World Conquest?

Kingston Rossdale and Shiloh Jolie-Pitt had their first play date on Independence Day weekend. Normally, I wouldn't take the time to write as much as two sentences about two toddlers hitting each other with expensive toys, but in this case, attention must be paid.

Society needs to be afraid of these two children. If their genetic structures somehow merged, I believe that it would be the beginning of the end for the rest of us, non-superhero humans.

Seriously, let's just strip out the Y-chromosomes for a while... Imagine what would happen if just Gwen Stefani and Angelina Jolie could concieve a child together? Approximately 18 years later, there would be a world war over who got to be the first to date this specimen of genetic perfection. The "average" people of the world would end up killing each other in battle, and all that would be left are the super hot. Mix in dashes of the talent of Gavin, and the um... Brad Pitt, and you have a genetic milkshake that could create an explosion the likes of which we have never known.

As it stands, these two children are on track to being the hottest people ever. If they have charisma, we are all doomed. Doomed I tell you!!!

No, but seriously... Keep your eye on 2028's power couple. Before it's too late.

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