12 September, 2006

Oops? She Did It Again.

Lohan's snooch has been getting more exposure than Kodak this week. Here we are just a couple of days from the first North American hairless beaver sighting at the Venice canals, and we're "treated" to another viewing of the "goods". And by "goods" I mean, "bads".

Poor Lindsay used to be cute. I think that it's entirely possible that Herbie the Love Bug runs on hot instead of fuel. That bastard Volkswagen must have sucked all of the hotness from her. Once the movie wrapped, all the world was left with was a shriveled husk of frecked gin salts.

Don't get me wrong. I would rather see a picture of this than many crime scenes or anything involving David Hasslehoff. That being said, this is the first picture of a naked woman that has made me feel like I have to take a shower.


Anonymous said...

that just doesn't look healthy.

Reese said...

She must be doing that on purpose. Whore.

Anonymous said...

You are all haters. Why do you got to be slammin a hot girl for showing her stuff. Dude would probably rather see some tranny like Jessica.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the paparazzi guy that gets the assignment as follows: "I want you to get out there and follow Lohan's snooch wherever it is hiding under...now get out there!" - critics lounge

Anonymous said...

Why did she have to loose all that weight, she used to be hot, now she's not.

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