07 September, 2006

Welcome to the Club, Paris.

Part of me really wants this to stick.

Early this morning, Paris Hilton was arrested for driving while intoxicated. The dizzy debutante was driving erratically in Hollywood and a DUI Taskforce took her down. After failing the roadside test she was (presumably) handcuffed, and taken in to the police station.

Now for average joes like you or me, this would begin a terrible process that can take over a year or two and cast a permanent shadow over your life. There are several court appearances, mandatory classes, addiction evaluations, and all other manner of flaming hoops that are designed to embarrass and make you never want to drink again. Then, every time you fill out a background check or job application you have to answer "yes" to "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?".

For celebrities, it's generally a bit easier. They go to court with a celebrity attorney and end up with a slap on the wrist. Sometimes they have to cut a PSA for NBC's 'The More You Know' or some other weak shit. It reminds me of when I was an RA, and the worst punsihment that we could come up with for the kid who shit in the shower stall was that he had to make 3 posters.

I don't want anyone to have a hard time, but if your name is Paris Hilton and you have basically spent life with a silver spoon, chances are I'm not rooting FOR you.


Anonymous said...

dont be like that topher, we all know your hot for them bones.

CN said...

Wait a gosh-damn second, who are you? And how do you know my much despised childhood nickname?


Show yourself, I say!

Anonymous said...

angry pirate! she didn't get any special treatment! everyone got a turn!

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