05 October, 2006

And there was KFC and Cider...

The pictures of Anna Nicole Smith-K-Stern frolicking in the surf with her new "husband" are real. She hasn't even buried her son, and she's bounding in the surf with the douche-du-jour, lawyer and pussy-whip Howard K. Stern.

I am willing to allow her the opportunity to have a little fun in her grief. I'm Irish, we use death as an opportunity to get drunk and fight. But grieving mothers rarely get married and giggle in the ocean before the funeral of their sons.

This woman has been drunk and/or high for the majority of her life... It would seem that being a new mother hasn't slowed that down a bit. It definitely didn't stop her from getting married this weekend on a boat in the Bahamas. To celebrate, the lucky guests had champagne, cider and you guessed it... KFC.

Look up White Trash in the dictionary... She'll be there.


Anonymous said...

Man, this woman seems to have um some what are those called....issues? - Critics Lounge

Anonymous said...

I hope they got extra crispy. I love extra crispy.

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