02 October, 2006

Eva is Back On the Market.

After her boyfriend was seen canoodling with his ex-girlfriend at a club in NYC, Eva Longoria gave him the boot. You've gotta think that something was up in advance of club-gate 2006... Either that or she is the most insecure woman in LA.

I wonder what things were really like with them. Every other day, she was in the media talking about how CRAZY their sex life was. She was all bondage this, dirty sanchez that... And now... poof, she gives him the heave ho. Emphasis on the latter.

Tony Parker is an NBA player, so basically he has a free pass to just about any set of panties in the United States and parts of Mexico. So she had to be doing something right to keep him tied down. After all, without a stylist and makeup, she looks like this:

1 comment:

CN said...

News Update: I hear she banged Mario Lopez...

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