07 August, 2007

Gwen Stefani Whips It Out.

According to Page Six, hella-hot Gwen Stefani doesn't know when to quit. Breastfeeding that is.

"I don't know when I'm going to stop breast-feeding...I'll just keep going while I can - like, he's getting his teeth, so it is a little bit scary. He's bitten me a few times."
I have never been clear where the line between sexy ass boobies and source of food begins and ends, so I will push on here. The concept of Gwen Stefani's boob deserves whatever time I can give it on the blogsphere. So even if I have to write about little Kingston's Old Country Buffet, I'll do it.

Seriously look at that. Gwen Stefani is basically talking about her nipple. That's really cool, no matter how you cut it. Or bite it.

On a serious note, I think it's great that she's a dedicated mom. She's one of the few Hollywood people who does a great job at bottling up the insanity and not letting it out. Most of the people in LA are letting their crazy soar - I mean it's out there fore everyone to see. Gwen isn't living la vida loco, and this pirate loves it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I urge you to take notice of another item on Page Six, being the Savannah Sampson/Bob Levy video release party at Ultra in NYC. None other than CR will be there as a VIP - pictures, stories and potentially a case of herpes to follow.

All photos and videos are property of their respective owners, and were plundered for the entertainment of the crew. Remaining text and content is property of the pirate. Don't even think about stealing this booty.
Copyright - Angry Pirate, 2007 - 2010.